*Donations are exempt under section 80G

Continuing Program for Encouraging the use of Native Languages

Submit your creation to A Billion Stories and become a published author from the comfort of your home. Submissions in native languages are encouraged. Do not miss to read the Author Guidelines before your submit to have the maximum chances of publishing your work.

August 2018 - Nurturing Talent Program

The Scientific Indian - Tech Transformation and Building a Scientific Temper

-Running a journal? Apply for subsidy grant for journal hosting and overall digital technology transformation. Please email coordinator@thescientificindian.com for details.

-Get support for running and maintaining your private library under our Dharohar Libraries Program. Please email coordinator@thescientificindian.com with your situational details. 

-Sponsor a book donation campaign. Your sponsorship goes towards buying and distribution of expert selected books to inspire children and young adults between the ages of 14-26 years. After you send the sponsorship - using the donation links HERE, write to the coordinator@thescientificindian.com with the payment details and the cause for which you have sponsored. All donations are exempt under section 80G.

-Do you teach mathematics at school / under-grad level? or are a Math enthusiast young or old? Become a life member of The Mathematics League (TML) and keep connected with the Mathematical world for life. Apply HERE.

*Donations are exempt under section 80G